Emergency Relief and Livelihood
N2N has been involved in Relief and Livelihood from the conception of our established presence in Northern Iraq. We approached relief and livelihood both post disaster and pre disaster vulnerability. In our post disaster recovery intervention, we invested in emergency relief as a first step getting to build relationships with the affected families. The goal is economic security and livelihood recovery, integration, and rehabilitation into society with the dignity as a valuable and productive member of the community. N2N pre disaster intervention is focused on Education, Awareness, Training, Skill development and the promotion of micro entrepreneurship activities generating employment and income among the vulnerable people in our communities. The strategies use for pre disaster intervention is applied to post disaster recovery of the affected populations. We are currently working with Refugees and Internally Displaced People living in and out of the camps, unprivileged widows and orphans in different communities, engaged in Educational child sponsorship programs, and the promotion of micro entrepreneurship.
With the 2014 invasion of ISIS, many families were displaced from cities and villages heavily affected into Sulaymaniyah governorate. Emergency relief was our initial response providing shelter, food packages, clothing, and household items.
From 2014 we have evolved from emergency relief to focus on Livelihood recovery and the rebuilding of lives of the affected population which is the centrality and objective of any intervention process. So far many of the IDP’s have participated in different skill development like Sewing, Knitting, and barbering.
Widows & Orphans:
This is a growing, unprivileged, and concerned population many of whom lost their loved ones in a crisis situation. The growing number is overwhelming to the government already facing economic challenges.
With the support of our international partners, we expanded our community outreach to include these already vulnerable, unprivileged, and challenged population.
Our intervention is focused on Livelihood, skills development and micro entrepreneurship for younger widows and orphans. Educational assistance is our focus on orphan kids and teens. We are also concern in their psychological and emotional welfare by providing counseling, trauma healing sessions and a safe community where they are free to express their fears and receive necessary support and strength.
Child Sponsorship:
Almost 95% of the IDP’s were farmers before being displaced. Education for kids and more for girls were not encouraged because the girls are forced to marriage at a young and tender age. Although being displaced, the mentality of these families towards the education of their kids has not changed.
Last year we started an educational sponsorships program to enable these kids pursue their education towards a brighter future. You can only imagine how little and consistent monthly investment in the educational lives of these kids brings joy and assurance for a better life. ​
Micro Entrepreneurship:
Micro entrepreneurship is what we hope to see happen to all those engage in our skill development courses and training. Some of the IDP’s have secured regular employments after the participation and completion of our training programs.
We currently have several of the IDP’s women and widows undergoing skill development and training in Sewing and Knitting with the objective to an employment or the prospect of being a micro entrepreneur. We have registered some impactful and success stories of those who went through our trainings and are micro entrepreneurs. ​
Mohammed (Bee Farm) (Coming up soon)
Helping one family might not change the world, but it might change the world for one family. Be part of making a someone a micro entrepreneur and the welfare of a family.